The Mystical Order of the Gnostics

The Mystical Order of the Gnostics

The Gnostics believe that the essential nature of the human being is divine. They look upon men and women as Gods and Goddesses who have forgotten who they are. It is from this predicament that the Gnostic aspires to be freed by Gnosis.

The objective of Gnosis is to give humanity a key with which every
 living being may assimilate the Christ-principle (consciousness) contained within the foundation of all the great religions of the world. While the study of these materials will be helpful to the sincere student, they can only be comprehended if combined with practical application in one's daily life. 


"The world knows many religions, but nature has but one truth." 
Manly P. Hall

"Truly, there is only one unique and cosmic religion. This religion assumes different forms according to the times and the needs of humanity. Therefore, religious conflicts are an absurdity, because at their base all religions are only modifications of the universal cosmic religion." 
Samael Aun Weor

We call this root universal religion Gnosis, from the Greek word γνώσις, meaning personal and direct firsthand knowledge (experience) of the Divine. 

1. The word Gnosis refers to the knowledge acquired through someone’s own experience, as opposed to knowledge that we are told or believe in. Gnosis - by whatever name in history or culture - is conscious, experiential knowledge, not merely intellectual or conceptual knowledge, belief, or theory. 

2. Gnosis is the method to acquire experiential knowledge of the highest levels of existence.

3. Gnosis is the core spiritual wisdom or mystical knowledge within all religions. From this point of view, Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl, and others were Gnostics who taught from their personal experience of the Divine.

Gnosis is the origin of every authentic religion, mystery school, and spiritual tradition in the world.

Image created by:
Michael Chase

 — con Jnana Kumara y Angels Arcana.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wanna know do y'all practice spiritual distance healing and interacting with other spiritual realms like the true shamans and do y'all assist people with spiritual distance healing? One more question does the holy grail involved Mary Magdalene? And why?

  3. Mary Magdalene was actually leading Jesus,she was propagating behind the scenes so she wouldn't be persecuted as a woman


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