
Showing posts from September, 2017


ASCENSION AND RAISING of the ENERGETIC FREQUENCY of our feelings Angela PritchardJuly 31, 2015 Energetically we are vibrating at a certain frequency right now. We might be feeling anxious, lethargic, excited, upbeat, moody, or just a bit ho-hum. Each of these feelings has a frequency that creates sensations in our bodies and emits energetic vibrations to everything around us. These are the energetic atmospheres in which we live and experience life through, whatever our circumstances may be. Our energetic frequency – our home and destiny While we usually identify ourselves with our bodies, what we are inside continues in our existence beyond the body as those who’ve had near-death experiences testify. Our energetic state is really important then, as it’s not only the environment in which we live, but it determines where we manifest now and in the future in this vast m

Did you know that Sikhs are one of the largest religions in the world with nearly 25 million Sikhs worldwide and that Skikhs are not Muslims?

Did you know that Sikhs are one of the largest religions in the world with nearly 25 million Sikhs worldwide and that Sikhs are not Muslims? In post-9/11 America, Sikhs have become targets for hate crimes and xenophobia––so what is Sikhism and who are its followers? Sikhism   ( / ˈ s i k ɪ z əm / ), or   Sikhi [3]   ( Punjabi :   ਸਿੱਖੀ   Sikkhī ,   pronounced  [ˈsɪkːʰiː] , from   Sikh , meaning a "disciple", or a "learner"), is a   monotheistic [4] [5]   Indian religion   that originated in the   Punjab region   of the   Indian subcontinent   about the end of the 15th century. [6] [7]   It is one of the youngest of the major world religions. The fundamental beliefs of Sikhism, articulated in the sacred scripture   Guru Granth Sahib , include faith and meditation on the name of the one creator, unity of all humankind, engaging in   selfless service , striving for social justice for the   be

Every person you have met in your life is there for one of these 5 cosmic reasons

Top of Form Every person you have met in your life is there for one of these 5 cosmic reasons Article published in Spirituality on June 25, 2017 by Les Mots The Universe that we live in works in mysterious ways. There is a chaos in the complexity of its operation and yet everything is balanced. It is fair to say that nothing in this universe happens by chance. Even the most insignificant incidents occur as planned and serve a more important purpose. All that is happening is a manifestation of the cosmos. Our journey through life is not quite a sweet ride. There are ups and downs. Some roads are difficult and some are not. Life is a mystery in which all experiences have equal importance and value. We are lucky that the Universe continues to follow our path. Throughout this trip, we meet different people who play different roles and have different goals. Some teach us some life lessons, while others do not leave us a lasting impact. Some people are mean

Senators Grill Trump Nominee Who Suggested Religion Overruled The Constitution

Senators Grill Trump Nominee Who Suggested Religion Overruled The Constitution Professor Amy Coney Barrett also wrote that judges should not have to abide by precedent. 06/09/2017 5:17 PM CDT | Actualizado Hace 13 horas WASHINGTON ― A Senate panel on Wednesday considered the judicial nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, a   controversial Catholic law professor who once seemed to suggest that one’s religious beliefs ought to take precedence over the U.S. Constitution.  President Donald Trump nominated the Notre Dame Law School professor   to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit earlier this year. Barrett clerked for the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. The Alliance for Justice, a progressive judicial advocacy group, called on the Trump administration to withdraw Barrett’s nomination in July because of her past writings on the role of faith in the cour

The Non-Religious States of America

The Non-Religious States of America New survey data indicates that religiously unaffiliated people in the U.S. are diverse—and in many places, they make up a greater share of the population than any faith group. There was a time, not too long ago, when the vast majority of Americans identified as Christians, at least nominally. In some places, this dynamic hasn’t changed much: Head south, for example, and you’ll find that roughly 60 percent of Mississippians are Baptists. But in at least 20 states, religiously unaffiliated people make up a greater share of the population than any one faith group or denomination. These findings are drawn from a new survey from the Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI, which sampled more than 101,000 U.S. adults between January 2016 and January 2017. The report’s state-by-state break-downs offer a detailed look at the geography of American religi

You Create Your Own Universe: Becoming Consciously Aware

            You Create Your Own Universe:            Becoming Consciously Aware I observe today’s society and I notice a predominant theme, a game of follow the leader. When you look at the bigger picture of reality, it becomes crystal clear that there is  no leader , you lead your own life. You make all the final decisions, good or bad. You create your own universe. How do I create my own universe? This might seem like a farfetched concept, especially for people who feel that they are at  effect  to their environment and circumstances, instead of the more empowering ability to actually  affect  their environment and circumstances. Your environment is simply your perception of reality from a subjective point of view. By subjective point of view, I mean that your entire physical world is simply a projection of your consciousness and perceptions of your observations. While one individual might notice abundance everywhere, others choose to focus on fear, scarcity, and lack. T

¡A Cada Cual Su Espiritualidad!

¡A Cada Cual Su Espiritualidad!   ¿Qué es la espiritualidad? La espiritualidad es esa manera que los humanos tenemos de vivir y entender el mundo. Está basada en nuestras creencias, nuestros miedos, nuestra imaginación, nuestros valores, nuestra filosofía de vida y mucho más. Ella es lo que somos. Nos ayuda a dar sentido a los acontecimientos de nuestras vidas. Para mí, es una energía que nos cubre y nos conecta con el universo para que nos cuente su historia, con relación al ser terrestre que somos. ¿Cómo avanzar hacia la espiritualidad? Abrirse a la espiritualidad es comprender que es una apertura sobre lo invisible. De entender e impregnarse de todo lo que sucede a nuestro alrededor sin prejuicios. Es dar posibilidad a todas las cosas a nuestro alrededor y a la energía que utilizamos para comunicarnos. Todos tenemos la capacidad de recibir lo que se nos muestra y eso nos pide relajar nuestra mente porque no se trata de entender, sino de recibir. Cuando nos ma