
The collective unconscious: Nature as a proper guide

The collective unconscious:  Nature as a proper guide Nature is an incomparable guide if you know how to follow her. She is like the needle of the compass pointing to the North, which is most useful when you have a good man-made ship and when you know how to navigate. If you follow the river, you surely come to the sea finally. But if you take it literally you soon get stuck in an impassable gorge and you complain of being misguided. The unconscious is useless without the human mind. It always seeks its collective purposes, or the common good, and never your individual destiny (interest). Your destiny is the result of the collaboration between the conscious and the unconscious.~Carl Jung, Letters Volume 1, Page 283. It is an astonishing fact, indeed, that the collective unconscious seems to be in contact with nearly everything. There is of course no empirical evidence for such a generalization, but plenty of it for its indefinite extension.  ~Carl Jung, Le

OMNISM: Religion as a manifestation of the Collective Unconscious.

OMNISM: R eligion as a manifestation of the Collective Unconscious.   For the religious, religious practice (rituals and dogmas) are necessary to protect people from the awesome power of a direct experience with the numinous.

Judaism - The Begining of Some Religions. What Kind of Jew Are You?

Judaism - The Begining of Some Religions. For Historical Perspective Purposes Only!!! You may find us on facebook:

A Numinous Omnist: A Perspective of Religion

A Numinous Omnist: A Perspective of Religion A Numinous Omnist is an Omnist with a High Spiritual  Knowledge  and Understanding unified with the Fundamentals of Archetypal Nature. ARCHETYPAL NATURE IS: A new view into the natural architecture of the psyche; A prism of family and social roles and values; A portal for generational healing; A genuinely new insight into self-understanding; A clarifying lens into our inherent cultural differences and tensions, and that, in recognizing those differences, we no longer imagine that everyone wants the same things in life.  So that through that understanding we become better able to accept others for what they are and want.  Having said that, let’s analyze the concept of religion and religious beliefs based on the theories of Collective Consciousness, Collective Unconsciousness, and the archetypal fundamentals of the interrelations between religion, myth, psyche and society.            In psychology, the psyche is the

Biocentrism And The Existence of God

Biocentrism And  The Existence  of God All human knowledge is relational. What is light without dark? Good without evil? Perhaps free will and determinism, order and chaos, something and nothingness, are simply different sides of the same circle of scientific logic. As science has penetrated the atom, we’ve discovered that solid matter consists mainly of empty space. We’ve discovered that inert objects, such as rocks, consist of particles whirling round each other trillions of times a second. Likewise, believers and nonbelievers in God may both be right, just traveling the same circle in opposite directions. All human knowledge is relational. “Discordant opinions,” said Emerson “are reconciled by being seen to be two extremes of one principle.” Of course, there have been myriad conceptions of God since the dawn of civilization. There are the Abrahamic conceptions of God, including the monotheis

The Mystical Order of the Gnostics

The Mystical Order of the Gnostics The Gnostics believe that the essential nature of the human being is divine. They look upon men and women as Gods and Goddesses who have forgotten who they are. It is from this predicament that the Gnostic aspires to be freed by Gnosis. The objective of Gnosis is to give humanity a key with which every  living being may assimilate the Christ-principle (consciousness) contained within the foundation of all the great religions of the world. While the study of these materials will be helpful to the sincere student, they can only be comprehended if combined with practical application in one's daily life.  -GNOSIS IS UNIVERSAL- "The world knows many religions, but nature has but one truth."  - Manly P. Hall "Truly, there is only one unique and cosmic religion. This religion assumes different forms according to the times and the needs of humanity. Therefore, religious conflicts are an absurdity, because at their base all

Religion An Omnist Perspective By A Numinous Omnist
